How to Remove Self Tanner at Home: 10 DIY Solutions That Work

While using self-tanner, ending up with yellow fingernails and an orange palm is very common.

A fake tan can lead to uneven streaks and spots. But there are several ways to get rid of this streaky mess.

A self-tanner mostly sticks to the top layer of the skin. So, you can bring your skin back to normal by sloughing away the outer cells of the skin.

It might take several weeks for the tanner to fade naturally. So, in this article, we will share with you how to remove self-tanner and get back your normal skin tone by following some effective remedies.

10 Natural Ways to Remove Self-Tanner

The most common way of removing the self-tanner is to exfoliate your skin. But you can follow some other remedies to get rid of a faux tan.

Rub Acetone or Alcohol

To get rid of the self-tanner from your skin and hands you can take a pinch of alcohol or acetone rub it on your skin and then, rinse off.

These products can be harsh on your skin, so do not use them much. You can also put it on a cotton ball and apply it.

Use lemon Juice

If you notice a few spots of tanner on your skin after the self-tanning session then, you can use lemon juice to get rid of it.

how to remove self tanner with lemon juice

Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and dab it on your skin where tan spots appear. You can also use lemon juice that is available in the market.

Without bronzer indoor tanning lotion with a yellow background

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I will also let you know about the side effects of the products so, that it becomes easier for you to choose the right lotion.

Milk Mask

Add a slice of lemon to a glass of milk and apply it to the uneven tan.

Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off. This can act as an exfoliator and remove the self-tanner in no time.

Body Scrub

To remove the tanner from your skin exfoliating can be effective. Use a scrub in a circular motion if you notice any unevenness after the self-tanning session.

remove self tanner with Body Scrub

Exfoliating will not only remove self-tanner from skin or hands but, it will give you youthful skin.


The chlorine present in the pool can help you to get rid of the tanner from your skin. So, go swimming if you want to remove the self-tanner from your skin.

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

Make a paste by mixing a tbsp. of lemon juice with baking soda. Rub it on the uneven spots and then rinse off with warm water.

Apply Baby Oil

To break down the faux tan from your skin apply baby oil and leave it for a few minutes.

baby oil

Then rinse off with a loofah. You can also use sunflower or coconut oil but, baby oil is the best choice.

Your Gloves

Exfoliating gloves can work like a wonder to remove the self-tanner from your skin.

These exfoliating gloves are easily available in the market or you can purchase them online.

You can use these gloves while taking a shower to remove the faux tan from your skin.

Use Shaving Cream and Toothpaste

To remove those orange and yellow patches from your hands and legs after using a self-tanner you can use apply shaving cream.


Toothpaste can also work like a wonder and help you to get rid of those faux tans. These can be used for removing the most stubborn spots.

Use Hair Color Remover

To remove the self-tanner from small areas of your skin you can use hair color remover that is used in the salon to remove hair color from the skin.

Always apply a tanning product in bright daylight and not in dark places.

So these are some useful tips about how to remove a self-tanner. These methods can even out your skin tone and help to fade the pigment. You can get a fabulous tanned look without any streaks or spots.

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