Remove Tan Lines: DIY Methods to Get Rid of It Fast

Tan lines are the most common problem people face while tanning. Some factors can cause tan lines like overexposure to the sun and sometimes slight carelessness from your side.

We all want to get that perfect glowing tan but the tan lines can make our tan look worst.

Tan lines can appear over a fresh tan and the color of the lines is the same as your skin color.

It might take 2 weeks for the tan lines to fade away. So, it is quite a long period of time for those who want to stay beautiful always.

Here we will discuss some causes and how to get rid of tan lines.

Tan Lines- What Causes Them?

Farmers who work outside most of the time often get the tan line. So the tan lines are also referred to as farmers’ tan.

Several other factors can cause tan lines. Let us discuss some of them.

Partial Contact With the Uv Rays

When some parts of your body don’t come in contact with the UV rays like the rest of the body then, you can find blotches and tan lines in those areas.

Butt moons which is a moon-shaped tan line on your butt can also be noticed.

Wearing Tight Clothes

Wearing tight-fitted clothes while tanning can lead to tan lines. So it is better to avoid tight clothes and bras while sun tanning or using a tanning bed.

Some other accessories like bracelets watches and also cause tan lines.

Avoid Clothes While Tanning

Tanning nude is the best option if you want to get that even-toned look.

Wearing clothes or innerwear while tanning can leave you with those uneven tanning lines.

Improper Use of Spray Tan

Spray tanning can also lead to tan lines if the spray tanning solution is not spread properly while tanning.

How to Get Rid of Tan Lines?

girl with tanned beauty

You can get rid of the tan lines by following some effective tips given below.

Use Tanning Solution

Some people do not like to out for sun tanning. So, if you are using a spray tanning solution then, it can be easy to remove the tan lines.

You can easily try it out at home without going to the salon.

Tan Swimsuits

Tan swimsuits are made to be worn while sunbathing. The material of the swimsuit allows UV rays to pass through it.

This will help you to get rid of tan lines without causing any barrier to your skin while tanning. These swimsuits are easily available in the market.

Nude Tanning Is the Best Option

It is always advisable to go for naked tanning to get that even-toned tan. So, if you are somewhere away from human traffic then, it is best to take off your clothes while sunbathing.

You can also go for nude tanning while using a tanning bed. This will prevent tanning lines easily.

Natural Remedies to Prevent Tan Lines

Besides the above-mentioned tips, there are useful natural remedies that can help you get rid of those unpleasant lines in no time.

Apply Cucumber

Using cucumber to prevent tan lines can be quite effective. Make a paste using cucumber and apply it to the affected area.

Apply Cucumber

Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes then, wash it off. Cucumber contains water and vitamin C that can hydrate your skin as well.

Use Baking Soda

Blend a tbsp. of sugar and one cup of baking soda with half a cup of water to prepare an exfoliator. Exfoliate the areas with tan lines during a shower.

Baking soda acts as a wonderful natural exfoliate and can help you to remove tan lines.

Apply Milk Cream

Using Milk cream can be very useful in preventing tan lines. Make a paste using milk cream and ½ tbsp. of turmeric.

Apply this paste of the affected parts and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, wash off with lukewarm water. Milk cream can also moisturize and brighten your skin.

Apply Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can be very effective in removing tan lines and dead skin cells. Mix lemon juice with honey and apply it to your tan lines.

Apply Lemon Juice

Leave it for half an hour and then, wash it off. Lemon contains strong acidic properties that can sometimes give your skin a minor burn.


Cut potato slices and place them on the affected areas. Remove it after 15 to 20 minutes.

Potatoes contain a lot of water that can easily help you to get rid of unwanted tan lines.

Use Black Tea

Pour a cup of iced black tea into a spray bottle and spritz it on the tan lines after a shower.

It will fade away the tan lines faster and also soothe your skin from sunburn.

Go for Self-tanner

If you are in a hurry or the above-mentioned tips do not work for you then, try to use a self-tanner.

To hide the tan lines apply some self-tanner on the affected parts using a makeup brush and leave it overnight.

Tanning can be fun if you can avoid those unpleasant tanning lines. So, follow the most effective remedies mentioned above and hold your gorgeous tanned look without any uneven patches or lines.

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