How Long Should You Wait to Tan After a Tanning Bed Burn?

Using tanning beds to get that dark, glowing tan has become quite popular nowadays. By using a tanning bed you can get that bronzed look faster even, without going out in the sun. So, people who do not have much time to spend outdoors mostly rely on tanning beds.

Although tanning beds can help you achieve that dark, even tan faster but, overexposure to these beds can cause severe burns to your skin.

To get tan quickly some people spend excess time in tanning beds which can cause severe damage to your skin and also lead to deadly diseases like skin cancer (melanoma).

Being in this profession for a long time I have seen many people suffering from severe skin burns and melanoma after using tanning beds frequently and for longer periods. My clients often ask me how long should they wait to tan again after tanning bed burn.

So, I always advise them not to get exposed to the UV rays just the next day if they have sunburn. It can make your skin more damaged and sensitive.

So, here in this post, I will share with you my own point of view on how long to wait after a tanning bed burn. I will also help you identify your sunburn and ways to treat them. So, read out this article thoroughly to make yourself prepared before your next tanning bed session.

How to Identify a Tanning Bed Burn?

Sometimes it becomes confusing to differentiate between sunburn or rashes formed after using a sunbed. Using tanning beds can make your skin extremely dry which may lead to rashes. So, it is very important to keep yourself properly hydrated before using a tanning bed.

Rashes can also occur if you have an allergic reaction to a tanning product used before your tanning bed session. Most rashes are white or red in color and can make you feel hot and itchy. So, I always advise my clients to go for a patch test before using any product.

planet fitness tanning bed and lotions with a yellow background

You can use aloe vera creams to ease the symptoms. If the problem persists then consult a dermatologist.

However, sunburn symptoms are quite different from rashes. Overexposure to the tanning beds can lead to tanning bed burn. Mostly the burn becomes worse 24 to 36 hours after being exposed to UV rays. Sunburn can also cause itchiness and redness.

Some people may notice blisters and swelling that can be very painful and may also lead to fever.

So, if a large area of your skin becomes red and hot after using a tanning bed then, it is more likely to be a sunburn. However, if a small area of your skin becomes red and itchy then, it is a rash caused by the overuse of tanning beds.

Easy Ways Prevent a Tanning Bed Itch

I will guide you to prevent a tanning bed itch with some easy and effective tips.

How Long Should You Wait to Get Tan After a Tanning Bed Burn?

Every people have a different skin type and thus, the healing process is also different. Some people may get rid of the sunburn quickly while others may take some time.

The healing process also depends on how severe your burn is. Here are the different levels of tanning bed burn and their healing time.

Mild Sunburn

Most people using tanning beds frequently may get mild burns. Mild sunburns are light red burn on the skin that does not cause pain or swelling. With proper care, you can get rid of a mild sunburn within 3 days.

Moderate Tanning Bed Burn

A moderate sunburn appears to be red in color. It can be painful and can feel warm when touched. This can also lead to discomfort and swelling. Most moderate sunburn heals within 7 days. However, it also depends on your skin type and the care you have taken before using tanning beds to prevent burns.

Severe Burn

Severe sunburn is mostly seen in people who are not aware of the health of their skin. They just spend long hours in the tanning beds to get that dark tan faster without proper protection. Severe sunburn may lead to blisters, swelling, and extremely painful skin.

It takes around two weeks to get rid of a severe tanning bed burn. During this period you should completely avoid exposure to UV rays to prevent further skin burn and damage.

10 Best Indoor Tanning Bed Lotions

I will guide you to choose the best tanning lotion and also share my opinion on these tanning lotions.

How to Treat a Tanning Bed Burn?

Proper care is very important if you have tanning bed burn to bring it back to normal fast. Proper care can prevent peeling and, heal your skin faster.

Here are some more useful ways you can follow to treat your sunburned skin faster.

Take a Cool Shower

Taking a bath or a cool shower can soothe your sunburned skin and also relieve pain, irritation, and discomfort.

Always pat your skin dry gently after bath and do not rub as, rubbing can cause more pain.

Cool Shower

Also, use a good moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from drying out.

Use Aloe Vera

As we all know aloe vera has natural cooling properties and thus, can relieve your sunburn skin. It also makes your skin moisturized and prevents peeling and drying.

Cut one of the leaves of an aloe vera plant and rub the gel directly on your sunburned skin. You can also store the gel in the refrigerator for that extra cooling effect.

aloe vera plant

There are several organic aloe vera gels available in the market and you can also use them to heal your tanning bed burn if, you do not have an aloe vera plant at home.

Keep Up Good Hydration

Sunburnt skin tends to draw fluid from the rest of your body as that part becomes dry very quickly.

So staying hydrated is very important if you have sunburnt skin. Proper hydration can also help your tanning bed burn to heal faster.

Hydration drink

Proper hydration can also help your tanning bed burn to heal faster.


Healthy skin is much more important than damaging your skin while getting tan. If proper care is not taken then your skin may get severe burns that can lead to skin cancer.

So, it is always recommended not to get tan just the next day if you already have that tanning bed burn. You need to give time to your skin to heal completely before your next tanning bed session.

Always go slow and steady when being exposed to UV rays as overexposure cannot do any good to your skin except damage it severely.


Can I still get a tan after a tanning bed burn?

Your skin becomes sensitive and damaged after overexposure to UV rays. So, you should not tan the next day if, you already have a tanning bed burn. Being exposed to the UV rays with burnt and damaged skin can make it worse.

How long does it take for a tanning bed burn to heal completely?

As shared above a mild burn can get healed within 3 days whereas a moderate tanning bed burn may take a week to heal completely. A severe sunburn with the worst symptoms may take around 14 days to heal completely.

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