Should Your Nipples Be Covered in a Tanning Bed?

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Tanning with the nipple exposed can make some women uncomfortable. But those using a lot of body makeup or foundation while tanning may not have problems with their nipples being visible.

Some of my clients want to get tan wearing pants or a shirt as they feel uncomfortable with the fact that their nipples will be showing through.

So, you should decide what to wear before getting tan and whether you are comfortable with your nipples being exposed.

You can try out the silicone curtain bandana and silicone hot curtain bra if you do not have any hesitation to get tan with your nipples exposed.

Here, I will share with you should you cover your nipples when tanning in a tanning bed and how sensitive your nipples are to tanning.

Should You Cover Your Nipples in a Tanning Bed?

Covering your nipples in a tanning bed may not be a good option if you want to get a perfectly even tan.

Lying on a tanning bed wearing a t-shirt will not help you achieve that even tan and also prevent you from feeling too cold or hot.

So, if you are not uncomfortable removing your clothes while getting tan then, this can be the best option for you. You can use a pillow to cover your nipples.

Different tanning lotions available in the market claim to be hypoallergenic and can be worn under clothing. using them after removing clothes can help you prevent sunburn and skin irritation.

To minimize skin sensitivity pump pasties and sunless tanning lotion can be some good options. You can easily purchase them online by choosing the shade that suits your body type.

These products can sometimes be quite expensive. But they are much less expensive than buying a tanning booth.

Can Your Nipples Get Darker in the Tanning Bed?

This question has been asked several times by my clients who are worried about their nipples to be getting darker after tanning. So, here I will let you understand can tanning bed make your nipples darker.

It is purely cosmetic to make your nipples darker in a tanning bed. In most salons in the US, you will notice the professionals will help you to cover your nipples before tanning.

Some salons may ask you to cover your nipples with loose-fitting clothes to make them appear darker. But it is a temporary process and the color of your nipples will not change forever.

Fake tan can also be a good option but, they are quite expensive and do not last long.

How to Protect Your Nipples in the Tanning Bed?

Although it is important to protect your breast while tanning in the tanning bed, some people ignore it as getting an even tan is more important to them. You should protect your breast if they start darkening or tingling.

Covering your nipples can prevent them from getting hurt while tanning as they are very sensitive.

Getting tan without covering your nipples can make them discolored and cause itchiness. So, there are some covers available in the market that can help you avoid these situations.

You can also get some nipple covers online that are made of protective material and can be quite comfortable, lightweight, and easy to remove.

You can use these covers for several months without replacing them as they are made of durable fabric.

Are Your Nipples Sensitive to Tanning?

Getting additional protection on your nipples is always suggested when you are trying to get tan in a tanning bed.

As your nipples are the most sensitive and delicate part of your body so, they often get tanned more.

Tanning without covering your nipples will make them discolored and you will notice ugly cracks on the surface.

The UV rays coming out from the tanning bed penetrate into the skin cells and thus cause damage to your nipples by causing inflammation and rashes.

To get rid of this problem you can cover your nipples with open wounds to allow moisture and air to penetrate in and thus, helps your skin breathe.

You can also apply sunless tanning lotions at first as they combine sunscreen and bronzer. This will somewhat prevent your nipples from severe damage while tanning.

Should You Use Sunscreen on Your Nipples in the Tanning Bed?

Some people believe that the use of tanning beds can harm your skin as they are not regulated enough. So, my clients often ask me should they put sunscreen on their nipples for safety.

Being a tanning professional my answer would be “yes” you should put sunscreen on your nipples in the tanning bed.

By using sunblocks on your nipples you can prevent your nipples from getting damaged. This will also motivate people around you to get their nipples covered to prevent burning while getting tan.


Nipples are the most delicate part of your body so, you should protect them from the harmful UV rays while tanning in a tanning bed.

Nipple covers are easily available on Amazon and you can go for the one that fits you comfortably.

Getting the nipples exposed can be uncomfortable for some people.  So, cover them with a special pillow while getting tan in a tanning bed.

Now, as you are aware of the fact that you should cover your nipples in a tanning bed so, enjoy your tanning session without any hesitation or fear.

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